Download our Best Practices White Paper to discover how Clean Rooms can be scalable, high-performance, and automated — while protecting critical on-prem workloads, including AIX, IBM i, Linux, and Windows.
Download Best PracticesToday, most financial services firms lack the necessary systems and tools to fully simulate real-world attacks at scale and clearly demonstrate that their security controls, ICT business continuity processes, and response and recovery plans are sound.
CyberVR™ from VM2020 is a best-in-class automation platform that enables full-scale, realistic, cyber resiliency and remediation testing to validate and demonstrate the efficacy of your risk management controls and threat mitigation and remediation processes, all without impacting production systems.
Unlike traditional data backup and recovery solutions, CyberVR lets you recover your entire application stack and fully restore all your production servers and workloads quickly, efficiently, and predictably. With CyberVR, if your business is hit with a highly destructive ransomware attack you can get all your critical applications back up and running in just minutes or hours instead of days or weeks.
This paper provides a brief overview of the DORA statute and explains how you can use CyberVR to address some of the most challenging provisions of the new regulation.